Go ahead.


You know mindfulness is good for you.

But if meditation was easy

You’d be doing it more…or at all.

This is where I come in…

Unique blend: I combine roles as a fine artist, a licensed healthcare professional, and a mindfulness educator to offer mindfulness practices that feel gentle and beautiful. 

  • Mindfulness has been a part of my life from the beginning. Growing up with a deeply devout Buddhist mother, I was involved in the Buddhist youth group and regularly attended temple, where I was introduced to Eastern mindfulness practices. These teachings were also prevalent at home, as my mother, a mindfulness practitioner, frequently participated in meditation retreats and shared her wisdom with me.

  • With over a decade of experience as a clinical pharmacist, I have witnessed how one’s wellness needs to incorporate the whole health - prevention and treatment, conventional and complementary approaches, physical activity, food as medicine, social connections, emotional support, mental health, rest and sleep, and mindfulness.

  • I offer a unique approach to mindfulness through integrating art as a focal point. Given my healthcare background, the phrase “evidence-based”* speaks to my heart, leading me to prefer evidence-based mindfulness techniques that I creatively translate into art-based mindfulness practices.

    *Evidence-based refers to concepts, products, practices, etc. that have been supported by scientific research and evidence.

Do you find your mind constantly ruminating on the past? Or worrying about the future? 

Feel like life is passing by while you operate on autopilot?

Maybe your self-talk could use a bit more kindness?

The practice of mindfulness offers a space between you and your experiences. That space where you can choose how to respond is self-love and empowerment.

How does it help?


Benefits of Mindfulness

Research has shown many benefits of mindfulness to improve our mental and physical well-being, including:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Improved focus

  • Increase in resilience

  • Reduce insomnia

  • Improved immune function, blood pressure, and cortisol levels

  • Helps with chronic pain

Benefits of Creativity

Creativity has been linked with improved problem solving skills and increased adaptability to change. According to The Journal of Positive Psychology, creativity can reduce depressive symptoms and anxiety and improve the function of our immune system.

Unique Benefits of Art-Based Mindfulness

Art can serve as a mindfulness anchor, which offers some unique benefits, including:

  • A safe container to practice the mindfulness attitudes of curiosity, non-judgment, and compassion (especially our self-talk)

  • May be less triggering than meditation for those who hold trauma and have difficulty meeting themselves face-to-face in stillness

  • Cultivates play and creativity

  • Fills the need to be productive (that need to do something)

The key to enjoying the benefits of mindfulness is CONSISTENT and REGULAR practice.

Do you want to practice more mindfulness to reduce stress and anxiety and find more calm, but have a hard time meditating?