Thi Doan Art

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How an Art-Based Mindfulness Practice Uniquely Benefits You


  • Art as a mindfulness practice can be less triggering than traditional meditation, especially for those with trauma.

  • Mindfulness through art can provide a safe container to help our self-talk 

  • Engaging in creative activities like drawing or painting can enhance problem-solving skills, reduce anxiety and depression, and boost the immune system.

  • Regular mindfulness practice, similar to regular exercise, is key to gaining mental and physical health benefits.

  • Simple, consistent routines, like using an art-based mindfulness journal, can help make mindfulness a daily habit (promo code included below to get you started!)

So there’s already meditation and yoga. Even hot yoga. So why use art to practice mindfulness? And can you do hot art?

Okay, so I’m not very sure about the hot art, but why not. Anyway…let’s dive into why art could be your new favorite mindfulness practice.


Have you ever sat down to meditate when you’ve been feeling anxious but after about ten minutes, still feel that anxiety simmering?

For some people, meditation can be difficult, especially for beginners, because being in stillness within their bodies may not feel safe. For those who hold trauma and have difficulty meeting themselves face-to-face in stillness, using art as an anchor to focus our present moment attention may be less triggering than other forms of mindfulness practices. Art offers an anchor point that is outside of ourselves. 


Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment with intention, curiosity, non-judgement, and compassion. Your self-talk plays a huge role here. Is it harsh and critical or gentle and curious? 

Art provides a safe container to practice awareness of our self-talk. As we draw or paint, we observe what thoughts may arise when our mind wanders (because it will) and if we talk to ourselves as we would to a loved one. If we catch ourselves thinking, “I’m terrible at this” or “I can’t stay present,” we simply observe those thoughts and then gently guide our focus back to our artwork. Over time, we can rewire our level of awareness as well as shift our self-talk towards a more compassionate one. It’s like the flow of water in a river. With each practice, you move a rock or two, and gradually, as you move more and more rocks, the water begins to flow in a different direction.


Using art as an anchor to practice mindfulness cultivates play and creativity.

Creativity has been linked with improved problem-solving skills and increased adaptability to change. According to The Journal of Positive Psychology, creativity can reduce depressive symptoms and anxiety and improve the function of our immune system. 

So bring on the crayons and the watercolor and let your imagination run wild!


Just like regular workouts strengthen your body, consistent mindfulness practices bolster your mental health. Accumulating evidence has shown many benefits of mindfulness to improve our mental and physical well-being, including:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Improved focus

  • Increase in resilience

  • Reduce insomnia

  • Improved immune function, blood pressure, and cortisol level

  • Helps with chronic way.

And like going to the gym to gain strength, the key to experiencing the benefits of mindfulness is regular and consistent practice! So however, you choose to practice mindfulness (personally, I like a mixture of meditation, yoga, walking my dog, and art, of course!), prioritize the practice of mindfulness in your routine to see the benefits. I’m cheering you on!


How about instead of grabbing your phone first thing in the morning when you wake up, you spend that few first minutes setting an intention, gratitudes, and a minute of mindful breathing? And how about calming your nervous system before bed with a short mindful body scan? These STOP journal notebooks offer a quick, art-based mindfulness routine that only takes a few minutes every day to help you integrate mindfulness into your daily life effortlessly. 

Sign up now to receive a 10% off promo code for these notebooks and start your journey toward a more mindful, creative life.

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